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Pokyny týkajúce sa obchodovania s obchodníkom InstaForex Mobile Trader

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Pokyny týkajúce sa obchodovania s obchodníkom InstaForex Mobile Trader

To start trading on Forex successfully, we recommend you to get to know the information below.

Kopíruj obchody úspešných obchodníkov cez ForexCopy systém. Vyber si získové účty a začni zarábať hneď.

To start trading on Forex successfully, we recommend you to get to know the information below.

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USD/JPY: Simple Trading Tips for Beginner Traders on February 21st (U.S. Session)

The test of 150.25 earlier in the day occurred when the MACD indicator had already moved significantly below the zero level


GBP/USD: Simple Trading Tips for Beginner Traders on February 21st (U.S. Session)

The test of 1.2648 in the first half of the day coincided with the MACD indicator having already moved significantly below the zero level


EUR/USD: Simple Trading Tips for Beginner Traders on February 21st (U.S. Session)

The test of 1.0477 in the first half of the day coincided with the MACD indicator beginning to rise from the zero level


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